To prevent the new nibs from rusting during storage, the manufacturers add a layer of oil coating, lacquer or varnish to protect them. Preparation needs to be done to all new pointed nibs, otherwise the nib will have ink flow problem. After cleaning, the ink should stick to the nib properly.
However, new broad nibs do not require any preparation, as broad nib comes with a reservoir, pointed nib doesn’t. The reservoir holds and feeds the ink to the nib through the slit. If you really want to prep the new broad nib, I recommend using a naked flame. Carefully pass the nib back and forth through a lighter for about 2 seconds.
There are many ways of removing the coating. Personally, I like using the toothpaste method, it's the easiest and the quickest.
- Toothpaste - Use an old toothbrush or a cotton swab, GENTLY rub the nib from top to bottom, inside/outside for about 5 to 10 seconds, then rinse it with water. You can also replace toothpaste by dish washing detergent, Windex, rubbing alcoholic and nail polish remover.
- Naked Flame - Carefully pass the nib back and forth through a lighter for about 2 seconds. Do not overdone it, you will damage the nib.
- Chinese/Japanese Sumi Ink - Add a few drops of sumi ink to a paper towel, then gently rub the nib back and forth for about 20 seconds.
- Potato - This method is ideal when you need to prepare a bunch of new nibs. Carefully poke the nibs into a potato until it looks like an echidna. The natural enzyme/starch from the potato helps to break down the oil coating. Wait for about 15 to 20 minutes, carefully pull the nibs out, don't bent the tines!
- Saliva - I know this is gross, so I never try this myself for hygiene sakes! Spit it on a paper towel and rub it back and forth for about 20 seconds, saliva is slightly acidic.
After proper cleaning, rinse the nibs under water and carefully dry the nibs with a paper towel, store them in a jar or nib tin and they are ready for use. The nib colour might look duller after the preparation.
﹝方法四﹞用擦手紙﹝Paper Towel﹞沾墨水,然後在筆尖上輕力上下摩擦,可以除去油層。一般書法墨水﹝Sumi Ink﹞或者合桃墨水﹝Walnut Ink﹞都可以。
筆尖處理後用清水沖洗,再用擦手紙﹝Paper Towel﹞小心地把筆尖擦乾,不然會生锈。之後存放在瓶子或專屬的筆尖盒子裡﹝Nib Tin﹞,待日後使用。另外,處理過後的筆尖,本來的金屬顏色可能會稍微暗淡。
點尖沒有儲墨器﹝Reservoir﹞,但有些人會自行添加,比如把彈簧安裝在筆尖上或把Leonardt Hiro Tape 平尖的儲墨器拆下來安裝在點尖上。